Sunday, March 17, 2013

Numazu Alps (沼津アルプス) and Beer

It seems like I go through phases in my life that constantly repeat themselves. For instance, I agree to a physically challenging adventure (such as 200 mile relays) with little to no training, then regret my decision when I'm in physical discomfort while I'm doing it, and then afterwards I decide it was totally awesome and I'm gonna become a pro (and then hurriedly lose that motivation the next day). Today, friends, was no exception!

I was invited to do a 10K (6.2 miles for us Americans) hike through the Numazu Alps by some pilots from the helicopter squadrons in the air wing, where we would reach the summit of 5 of the peaks. This image I found below in Japanese gives you an idea... we started at the far right and did the next five peaks.

According to our guide, this was a good hike for beginners (approximately a 1 on a scale of 0 to Fuji), with the peak of the highest mountain (Mt. Washizu) being only 392m tall... so I figured that meant "slightly more difficult than a leisurely stroll".


Uh, not for someone like me, people!! There were some INSANE inclines, I felt like I was in the movie Vertical Limit. Just kidding, but there were parts where you were climbing and had to use ropes to help yourself so you didn't accidentally fall backwards into the abyss. This was a wake-up call for Mt. Fuji. Of course, this is coming from a person who once gave up eating dinner because she didn't feel like walking to the kitchen.

We made it to the summit of Mt. Washizu second (we had climbed the second highest peak first).

My friends and I at the summit! But no, our adventure was still not finished... we had three more mini mountains to climb.

In this shot, I'm dead. Literally... they had to do CPR on me to resuscitate me. Actually, we were waiting on two French guys in our group who got separated. Luckily, no one was dead or had to cut their arm off because they had fallen into a crevice.

Luckily the next three mountains were made interesting with some cool shots of Mt. Fuji (AKA Fuji-san). Since my skill level with photography is at the range of "Takes Average Still Shots of Flowers", the shots aren't the best, but you'll have to deal with it. Or Google images of Mt. Fuji.

 The view above is of Mt. Fuji, the city of Numazu and the Suruga Bay, as seen from Mt. Tokura, the third peak (I think).

Me with Fuji in the background on our last peak (Mt. Kanuki)... yay!

We also saw the wave-watching point (Suruga Bay)... I wish I had thought to take a photo of the sign. It had a little cute drawing of a wave.

Below is my painting I made of Suruga Bay with Mt Fuji in the background... I know, I'm pretty talented.

After our hike, we were taken to the Baird Brewery. This is a small brewery that makes some pretty good beers... It apparently can be found in the States, so if you see it you should give it a chance! We were given a tour of their facilities and then to the best part, our free beer... of course followed by purchases of more beers. Those marketing wizards!

After we were properly feeling the effects of adult beverages (not in excess, of course), we headed to Bashamichi for some more drinks and birthday celebration at an Irish pub called 82 Ale House... the Japanese staff really got into the St. Patrick's theme. This Creepy Bartender would make shamrock pictures in our Guinness head with the tap (unfortunately, no photos of that).

Overall, a pretty awesome day!


  1. hmm gives me a new perspective on mt fuji. it looks insane in that picture!

    and that picture of you lol laying down "dead," looks so relaxing.
